Our Events


Keffiyeh Thursday

Wear your keffiyeh every Thursday in support of and in solidarity with Palestine. Post pictures on Instagram with #keffiyehthursday and tag us.


Palestine 101

An introduction to the history of the Palestinian conflict and struggle for liberation. Every year, we invite experts in their field to present as well as students to share their personal experiences.



Every Thursday



October 2022


Harvard University

israeli Apartheid Week

A week-long event that brings together different speakers and projects that highlight the Palestinian culture, creativity and solidarity network. The week is tied together with the Wall of Resistance that is displayed outside the Science Center for the entirety of the week.



April 2022


Harvard University



Throughout the year, we host speakers to share about their work, experience or position on the conflict as applicable to the current situation. We give out roses to celebrate Arabs Mother’s Day on March 21st and host study breaks for students.



Coming soon!


Coming soon!

MOre Events to COme!